SA's IVF Leader Since 1982
Advanced embryo selection

Life Whisperer (AI Technology)

Flinders Fertility was the first clinic in Australia to use Life Whisperer, an Artificial Intelligence technology that works hand-in-hand with our embryologists to provide an objective assessment of embryo viability.

Life Whisperer

Life Whisperer

How Life Whisperer Helps Embryologists Rank Blastocysts

Life Whisperer is a machine learning (AI) tool that is able to identify features within an embryo that the human eye can’t see. Used in combination with traditional selection methods, this helps support our embryologists in determining with more certainty which embryos have the best chance of implanting. The AI analyses detailed images of your blastocysts and generates a score for each one, providing the embryologist with an order of priority for transfer.

Life Whisperer has been trained and developed using thousands of images of day 5 embryos (also known as blastocysts), and it has been tested in many different laboratories around the world to show that it is able to predict fetal heart potential with similar or increased accuracy when compared with traditional grading methods. Ongoing clinical studies are in progress to assess the improvement in live birth outcomes.

We routinely use Life Whisperer in our laboratory for all eligible patients as part of our quality management rather than offer it as an additional service. This gives us an economy of scale and means everyone can benefit at no additional cost.

All patients undergoing cycles involving fresh blastocyst development will have their embryos assessed with Life Whisperer; however, it cannot be used on embryos that have already been frozen. The technology also doesn’t test the chromosomes of an embryo and therefore is unable to replace genetic testing.

Life Whisperer FAQs

At Flinders Fertility we currently use Life Whisperer for every eligible IVF cycle where more than one good quality day 5 blastocyst develops. We provide you with a summary of the results following the cycle and if you have any questions you'll be able to speak to your embryologist.

If you only have one embryo or are undergoing a frozen embryo transfer we won't be able to use Life Whisperer.

No, this is part of our standard IVF practice for eligible patients.